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This workshop is designed to give you easy, safe tools to support you to get your back, well, BACK and feeling good again!
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Recent 5Q Yogi Conversations
We're talking to 100 remarkable Yogis. 5 Questions at a time. Enjoy.
2023年3月29日Read more...There’s no denying that addiction has become a national epidemic. It can affect anybody from rock stars to plumbers to project managers. Addiction doesn’t care about your profession or social status. As recently as 2016, it was estimated that over 22 million Americans currently struggle with...2023年2月28日Read more..."The First Draft of Anything is always shit" Earnest Hemmingway Fear is the gatekeeper of flow. So if we're going to try scary new things or test out different approaches we need find ways to "trick" our way around fear since removing it isn't an option. Luckily for us, Fear is easily...Read more...We live in a fast-paced world that often leads to over scheduling and high stress. You may be among those who find themselves chronically sleep deprived, which means you regularly get less than the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Developing and sticking to a bedtime yoga...
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